Regional climatologies

Summaries of the typical weather and climate of a region, based on historical data observations made at climate stations located within the region.
Hosted By: NIWA
Category: Climate
Keywords: historical, weather, summary, climate, observations, regional
Data Quality
Parameter Score Description
Accessible (AC) Good Data are accessible from a public facing server
Common Format (CF) Medium Data are available in a proprietary format that requires specific software
Data Lineage Statement (DL) Poor Data are not described in terms of their origins, modifications or processing history
Data Quality Statement (DQ) Medium Data are not well established in terms of their content quality, completeness and consistency
Governance (GO) Good The contributing organisation (CRI) has ownership or recognised stewardship of the data
Identifiers (ID) Good Both metadata and the data are described with a unique identifier
Terms of use (TU) Medium A data license does not exist but conditions of use are explained to some extent
Last Updated (LU) Good A last updated statement is available