The following tables outline the definitions for the data type properties that are part of the metadata descriptions.


Details about licences

Licence Description
Open Licence This licence allows data to be used, published, shared and adapted for any purpose. In most cases, the source of the original data will need to be acknowledged and the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence may apply explicitly.
Non-commercial Licence This licence typically allows data to be used, shared, and adapted, but only for non-commercial purposes. This means the data cannot be used in any activity intended to generate profit. In most cases, the source of the original data will need to be acknowledged and the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) licence may apply explicitly.
Non-derivative Licence This licence type prevents users from making modifications, adaptations, or creating derivatives from the original dataset. In most cases, the source of the original data will need to be acknowledged and the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives (CC BY-ND) licence may apply specifically.
No Licence Having no licence means that the legal permissions for use, distribute, or modify the data are unclear or undefined. Without a licence, users cannot legally assume they have the right to use the data for any purpose (even research or personal use), share or redistribute the data, or modify, adapt, or create derivatives from the dataset.
Other Use of the data has unusual conditions, and these will be described by the data custodian.



Details about access.

Access Description
Open Data can be accessed by anyone. There may be a user registration and login requirement to enable access and agreement of data licence terms may be necessary.
Conditional Data is accessible under specific conditions. This might include meeting certain criteria, agreeing to terms of use, or being part of an approved project. The conditions may relate to the protection of privacy, intellectual property, or sensitive information.
Embargoed Data is restricted for a period, often to protect the intellectual property or give the original researchers time to publish. After the embargo period ends, the data may become openly accessible or have conditional access.
Restricted Access to data is tightly controlled, often to protect privacy, security, or sensitive information. Only certain individuals or groups may be allowed to access or use the data, and this typically requires permission or approval. Restricted data often comes with significant limitations on reuse or redistribution.


Access Methods

Details about access methods.

Access Method Description
Contact Custodian Access to the data should be requested by contacting the data custodian.
Data API Service The data are available for access through an Application Programming Interface (API) that enables streaming of data from the host server. An ESRI REST services or Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Services such as OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) or Web Map Service (WMS) are common ways to use GIS data using the client’s software.
Direct Download The data are available for download from a server. There may be a user registration and login requirement to enable access and agreement of data licence terms may be necessary.
Other Access to the data is described by the data host.
Website Landing Page Links to different ways to access data are on a website page. This could be a metadata record from a catalogue or a project webpage.
Website Exploration Tool The data are viewable, for example, as a table, graph or map through a web application and may be able to be subsampled, customised, extracted and/or downloaded, A commonly used example of one of these tools is a web map application that allow spatial and attribute selection of GIS data and selection of layers to portray and extract.