NIWA Weather and climate forecasting data services
NIWA provides weather and climate forecasting data services the forecasts are delivered using API, GIS and web interfaces, all underpinned by our data analytics expertise.
Hosted By:
Keywords: forecast, weather
Data Descriptions: Temporal - continuous time series
Data Quality
Parameter | Score | Description |
Accessible (AC) | Good | Data are accessible from a public facing server |
Common Format (CF) | Good | Data are available in a commonly used format (syntax) |
Data Lineage Statement (DL) | Good | Data are well described in terms of their origins, modifications and processing history |
Data Quality Statement (DQ) | Medium | Data are not well established in terms of their content quality, completeness and consistency |
Governance (GO) | Good | The contributing organisation (CRI) has ownership or recognised stewardship of the data |
Identifiers (ID) | Good | Both metadata and the data are described with a unique identifier |
Terms of use (TU) | Good | A data licence is easily accessible and understandable |
Last Updated (LU) | Good | A last updated statement is available |