Category: Ocean

View the most up-to-date bathymetry of the deep-water seabed in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone. Brought to you in 250 metre resolution.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Ocean
Keywords bathymetry, eez, undersea, features
Learn about this nationally-significant marine invertebrate collection - featuring over 300,000 samples collected from around New Zealand, the Antarctic and Pacific.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Biodiversity, Ocean
Keywords Marine Invertebrates, collection, invertebrates, biodiversity
Explore New Zealand's coast through a collection of geospatial layers focused on our coastal environment and related hazards.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Ocean, Land
Keywords coastal, classification
View the Marine Environment Classification (MEC) - a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of New Zealand used for marine management purposes.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Ocean
Keywords marine, management, classification
Access millions of marine biodiversity and species distribution data from New Zealand's EEZ, the Ross Sea (Antarctica), the Southern Ocean south of New Zealand and surrounding seas.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Biodiversity, Ocean
Keywords biodiversity, ocean, marine
Tide forecaster provides tidal data for any point in New Zealand. Forecast high and low tides anywhere in open coastal and ocean waters around New Zealand for up to 31 days.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Ocean
Keywords ocean, coastal, tides
View this network of cameras that monitor New Zealand's coastal environment.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Ocean
Keywords ocean, coastal, camera
Access a record of over 400 historic tsunami occurrences around the New Zealand coast.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Geology, Ocean
Keywords ocean, geology, tsunami
These Biodiversity Memoirs are illustrated reference works that capture New Zealand's distinctive marine fauna and flora.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Ocean, Biodiversity
Keywords marine flora, marine fauna, biodiversity
Find information on marine pests in New Zealand waters
Hosted By NIWA
Category Ocean
Keywords marine pest, coastal
Useful information and resources on New Zealand's marine flora and invertebrate fauna.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Ocean
Keywords marine flora, marine invertebrate fauna
NIWA station information management system (SIMS) is a Web based data management system to maintain descriptive information about environmental monitoring stations around New Zealand. The system lists...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Freshwater, Ocean, Climate
Keywords stations
GIS image service of satellite water quality products. New Zealand wide maps from July 2002 including timeseries, climatologies and anomalies.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Ocean
Keywords gis-image, satellite, maps
Ocean acidification conditions around the New Zealand coast are measured to establish baseline conditions and to quantify future change.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Ocean
Keywords acidification, coastal
The maps and data linked from this page provide a modelled representation of New Zealand’s 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) extreme sea level flooding under current climatic sea conditions, plus...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Ocean, Climate, Land
Keywords sea-level-rise, Climate Change, coastal, flooding, gis-image, Maps, scenarios
NIWA's public platform for exploring and downloading open science data, discovering and building apps, and engaging to solve important issues. You can analyze and combine Open Data sets using maps, as...
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Hosted By NIWA
Keywords GIS, Geospatial
Traits are defined as the components of organisms that can be measured and have an effect on ecosystem health. This trait database for marine benthic invertebrates is a powerful tool for assessing bio...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Biodiversity, Ocean
Keywords marine, Biodiversity
Fact sheets on impacts of sediment on freshwater and estuarine and freshwater fish species using existing scientific information and expert scientific knowledge.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Freshwater, Ocean
Keywords marine, Fish, sediment
Educational resources for school students and teachers to discover more about science and technology. Includes air quality experiments, estuaries, climate and weather and more.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Atmosphere, Climate, Ocean
Keywords education
We build our maps of sea level flooding from analysis of sea-level measurements and numerical models and we have verified the results against sea-level run-up observations collected after large storm-...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Ocean
Keywords sea-level-rise
Data from ~150 published, unpublished, national and international collections covering >30,000 sediment analyses and observations were compiled and integrated to produce a series of maps characterisin...
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Hosted By NIWA
Category Ocean
Keywords sediment