Category: Climate

View maps and graphs showing daily predictions and measurements for UV levels across New Zealand.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Atmosphere, Climate
Keywords Atmosphere, UV, Ozone
Thinking about solar power? Plug in the numbers with this online calculator to estimate how much energy your solar panel will capture.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Atmosphere, Climate
Keywords solar, energy, calculator, atmosphere
Curious about what climate change will mean for New Zealand? Explore temperature and rainfall projections for a range of locations all the way out to the year 2100.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords Climate Change, climate, change, projections, Atmosphere
Access nationally-significant weather data from approx. 6,500 climate stations which have been operating for various periods since the earliest recorded observations were made in the year 1850. Accoun...
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Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords weather, climate, observations
Get estimates of the magnitude and frequency of high intensity rainfall for a range of return periods and event durations at any point in New Zealand.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords atmosphere, climate, rainfall
Browse a catalogue of major weather events in New Zealand over the last 200 years from the 1800s to the present, when significant damage or casualties occurred.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords climate, atmosphere, weather, events, historic
Find out how the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including C02 and methane, has changed at Baring Head since 1974.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Atmosphere, Climate
Keywords CO2, climate, atmosphere, methane, climatechange
View the long-running 'seven-station' series, which shows how New Zealand's average annual temperature has changed over the past 100 years.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords atmosphere, climate, temperature, record
See the weather and climate for locations across New Zealand – for the next 24 hours and beyond forecasted by NIWA's High Performance Computers and moderate by NIWA's team of weather experts.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords weather, forecast, climate, atmosphere
The New Zealand Drought Monitor is a system for keeping track of drought conditions across New Zealand based on a standardised climate index.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Freshwater, Land
Keywords drought, climate, hazard, weather, rainfall
Daily maps showing soil moisture deficit, soil moisture anomaly, last 15 days rain, month-to-date rain, last 15 days sun, month-to-date sun, last 15 days temperature, month-to-date temperature, last 3...
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Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords climate, weather, maps
Annual, seasonal and monthly summaries of temperature, rainfall and sunshine data from across New Zealand.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords climate, weather, rainfall, sunshine, temperature, annual, monthly, seasonal
Air temperature, rainfall, soil moisture and river flow predictions for the coming season.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords climate, weather, rainfall, rain, temperature, soil moisture, river flow
Summaries of the typical weather and climate of a region, based on historical data observations made at climate stations located within the region.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords historical, weather, summary, climate, observations, regional
Monthly summaries of the climate in the tropical South Pacific islands, with an outlook for the coming months.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords climate, weather, Pacific, monthly
Summaries of up-coming tropical cyclone seasons, issued 6-monthly.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords cyclone, climate, outlook, Pacific
National daily river flow forecasts for 24-hour periods across New Zealand.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Freshwater
Keywords River, river flow, forecast, flood, modelling
Citizen science database for information on fish passage assessment, catch & release, NZ flood pics and snow depth.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Freshwater
Keywords Fish, flood, snow
NIWA station information management system (SIMS) is a Web based data management system to maintain descriptive information about environmental monitoring stations around New Zealand. The system lists...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Freshwater, Ocean, Climate
Keywords stations
GIS image service of satellite water quality products. New Zealand wide maps from July 2002 including timeseries, climatologies and anomalies.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Ocean
Keywords gis-image, satellite, maps
Virtual climate station estimates are produced every day, based on the spatial interpolation of actual data observations made at climate stations located around the country.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords stations
Since 1978 an aerial photographic survey of the glaciers of New Zealand has been carried out. The primary purpose of the survey is to record how much snow covers the glaciers at the end of summer.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords snowline, survey
New Zealand Flood Pics (NZFP) is a photographic archive of flooding for Aotearoa New Zealand. Its purpose is to collate photographs from floods that can support evidence-based decision-making for indi...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Land, Climate, Freshwater
Keywords flooding, citizen-science, PHOTOGRAPHS, database
The maps and data linked from this page provide a modelled representation of New Zealand’s 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) extreme sea level flooding under current climatic sea conditions, plus...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Ocean, Climate, Land
Keywords sea-level-rise, Climate Change, coastal, flooding, gis-image, Maps, scenarios
Any aspects of climate can be mapped from national through to regional and local levels. The maps are built using the national climate database, satellite data and output from global-scale and local-s...
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Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords maps, climate
NIWA's public platform for exploring and downloading open science data, discovering and building apps, and engaging to solve important issues. You can analyze and combine Open Data sets using maps, as...
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Hosted By NIWA
Keywords GIS, Geospatial
The DATAMAN is a database of greenhouse gas emissions from manure management. The web app has features for viewing and downloading Field, Storage and Housing data. Manure management represents a key u...
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Hosted By AgResearch
Categories Land, Climate, Atmosphere
Keywords Manure, Livestock, Agriculture, Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Greenhouse gases, Greenhouse gas
Educational resources for school students and teachers to discover more about science and technology. Includes air quality experiments, estuaries, climate and weather and more.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Atmosphere, Climate, Ocean
Keywords education
NIWA generates ‘Normals’ from Climate Station Observations collected as part of our Climate Station Network. These are long term (30-year) statistics (averages or totals) of climatologic parameters fo...
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Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
NIWA generates ‘Statistics’ from Climate Station Observations. These are monthly (e.g. ‘for January 1974') and annual (e.g. 'for 1974’) averages for large range of station locations, calculated for a ...
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Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Fire Indices and weather forecasts for fire management, provided by NIWA on behalf of Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
Hosted By NIWA, Fire and Emergency New Zealand
Categories Climate, Land
Keywords forecast
Weather reports and warnings for National Parks provided by NIWA on behalf of Department of Conservation.
Hosted By NIWA, Department of Conservation
Categories Land, Climate
Keywords forecast, weather
'Climatologies' are long-term averages of climate parameters derived from observations. We build our climatology maps using data from NIWA’s extensive national climate database, satellite data, and ou...
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Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords climate
We build our maps of sea level flooding from analysis of sea-level measurements and numerical models and we have verified the results against sea-level run-up observations collected after large storm-...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Ocean
Keywords sea-level-rise
Our Land and Water was one of New Zealand’s 11 National Science Challenges, aimed at addressing critical issues in primary production and the sustainable management of land and water resources. Funded...
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Hosted By AgResearch
Keywords land use change, Environment, water quality, Climate Change, Environmental management
NIWA provides weather and climate forecasting data services the forecasts are delivered using API, GIS and web interfaces, all underpinned by our data analytics expertise.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Climate
Keywords forecast, weather