Category: Freshwater

Browse over 34,000 nationally-significant freshwater fish observations covering sample sites up and down New Zealand.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Biodiversity, Freshwater
Keywords Biodiversity, Fish, Freshwater, River
Explore this digital geospatial database of approximately 600,000 New Zealand river segments and related catchments.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Freshwater, Geology, Land
Keywords Freshwater, River, stream, geology
Explore and access flows and water levels for selected rivers and streams in New Zealand.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords river, flow, freshwater
View scientific observations of freshwater chemistry data across New Zealand, including dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH and conductivity - all quality assured by NIWA experts.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords freshwater, river, chemistry
Get estimates of peak flood flows and understand the magnitude and frequency of floods across New Zealand for a network of over 600,000 river segments.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords freshwater, flood, flow
Dive into LakeSPI (Lake Submerged Plant Indicators) - a lake information and management tool used to assess and report on the ecological condition of New Zealand lakes.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Biodiversity, Freshwater
Keywords biodiversity, freshwater, lake, plants
This database summarises incursion response and eradication programmes from around the world. The scope of the database is terrestrial arthropod pests and plant pathogens. Weeds, vertebrate pests, aqu...
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Hosted By The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited
Keywords pests, plant pathogens, biosecurity, invaders, eradication
The Biological Control Agents introduced to New Zealand (BCANZ) online database contains complete information on the biological control agents that have been introduced to New Zealand to help manage w...
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Hosted By The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited
Keywords Biological Control Agents, weeds, invertebrate pests, pests
The New Zealand Drought Monitor is a system for keeping track of drought conditions across New Zealand based on a standardised climate index.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Freshwater, Land
Keywords drought, climate, hazard, weather, rainfall
National daily river flow forecasts for 24-hour periods across New Zealand.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Freshwater
Keywords River, river flow, forecast, flood, modelling
The NGMP is a groundwater quality dataset, collected regularly through collaborations with regional council personnel from 110 sites across all 15 regions of New Zealand, since 1990. The network attai...
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Hosted By GNS Science
Category Freshwater
Keywords monitoring, Groundwater quality, New Zealand
New Zealand’s depth to hydrogeological basement map. Depth to hydrogeological basement can be loosely defined as the ‘base of aquifers’; or more strictly as ‘the depth to where primary porosity and pe...
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Hosted By GNS Science
Categories Freshwater, Geology
Keywords Groundwater resources, New Zealand
ESR monitors New Zealand’s wastewater for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19. Check the weekly wastewater surveillance report from sampling across the country.
Hosted By ESR
Category Freshwater
Keywords COVID-19, wastewater, wastewater testing
The Aquifer Potential Map is a preliminary map (version 1.0). This work was carried out as part of the GNS Science Groundwater Resources of New Zealand research programme, and future plans within this...
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Hosted By GNS Science
Categories Freshwater, Geology
Keywords Maps, Database, New Zealand, Raoul Island, Aquifer Potential
Monthly data of 1km x 1km rainfall recharge to groundwater, from Jan-2000 – Dec-2014. The National Groundwater Recharge Model (NGRM) was developed to demonstrate the utility of satellite data and glob...
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Hosted By GNS Science
Categories Freshwater, Geology
Keywords New Zealand, rainfall recharge, water table, model-derived
This dataset is a model-derived steady-state mean water table at the New Zealand nationwide scale with a resolution of 250m x 250m. These data are described in Westerhoff et al. (2018) – URL: https://...
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Hosted By GNS Science
Categories Freshwater, Geology
Keywords New Zealand, groundwater, water table, aquifer, model-derived
A water quality restoration tool that can help reduce levels of sediment, nutrients and microbes. This can the water quality exiting the wetland and the ecology of downstream water bodies.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords water quality, wetland, restoration
Includes about 500 aquatic invertebrate taxa. There's 16 broad trait categories that are divided into subcategories.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords invertebrates
Many of New Zealand's fish species (like inanga and tuna) undertake significant migrations as part of their life-cycle. However, instream infrastructure such as culverts and dams, can delay or prevent...
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Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords fish, migration
These calendars cover 41 key freshwater fish species and are designed to help people working near freshwater minimise the impact of their work on the fish. Includes spawning and migration periods.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords spawning, migration, fish
Tau kōura is a traditional Māori fishing method commonly used to harvest kōura or freshwater crayfish in areas where they are abundant.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords kōura, crayfish, fishing, māori
Catchment Land Use for Environmental Sustainability (CLUES) model is a GIS-based system that predicts the effects of land-use change and farm practice scenarios on water quality and socio-economic ind...
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Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords water quality, land use, sustainability
Citizen science database for information on fish passage assessment, catch & release, NZ flood pics and snow depth.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Climate, Freshwater
Keywords Fish, flood, snow
NIWA station information management system (SIMS) is a Web based data management system to maintain descriptive information about environmental monitoring stations around New Zealand. The system lists...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Freshwater, Ocean, Climate
Keywords stations
URQIS is a resource developed in 2012 that provides stormwater and urban stream quality data to the public by accessing a database of urban runoff quality data collected from all over New Zealand.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Land, Freshwater
Keywords stormwater, runoff
New Zealand Flood Pics (NZFP) is a photographic archive of flooding for Aotearoa New Zealand. Its purpose is to collate photographs from floods that can support evidence-based decision-making for indi...
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Hosted By NIWA
Categories Land, Climate, Freshwater
Keywords flooding, citizen-science, PHOTOGRAPHS, database
A wide range of freshwater biodiversity resources including diversity of algae in wetlands through to Mokihinui River project and Patea River periphyton.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords Freshwater, algae, rivers, wetlands
NIWA's public platform for exploring and downloading open science data, discovering and building apps, and engaging to solve important issues. You can analyze and combine Open Data sets using maps, as...
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Hosted By NIWA
Keywords GIS, Geospatial
Fact sheets on impacts of sediment on freshwater and estuarine and freshwater fish species using existing scientific information and expert scientific knowledge.
Hosted By NIWA
Categories Freshwater, Ocean
Keywords marine, Fish, sediment
Our Land and Water was one of New Zealand’s 11 National Science Challenges, aimed at addressing critical issues in primary production and the sustainable management of land and water resources. Funded...
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Hosted By AgResearch
Keywords land use change, Environment, water quality, Climate Change, Environmental management
New Zealand’s Biological Heritage National Science Challenge (BioHeritage) – Ngā Koiora Tuku Iho – is one of the country’s 11 National Science Challenges. Established in 2014, BioHeritage tackles one ...
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Hosted By Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
Keywords Ecosystems, Mātauranga Māori, Biodiversity, Biosecurity, Pest management, resilience, genomics, conservation, restoration, invasive species, communities
A flood database containing consistent flood hazard maps for a range of Annual Exceedance Probabilities (AEP) covering every catchment in the country.
Hosted By NIWA
Category Freshwater
Keywords flooding, Climate Change