The National Vegetation Survey (NVS) databank is a world-leading repository for New Zealand’s plot-based vegetation data describing plant species occurrence and abundance, vegetation structure, and en...
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Category: Land
Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Keywords Terrestrial Ecology, Terrestrial plants, Land, Vegetation, New Zealand
The Margot Forde Genebank (MFG) has New Zealand’s largest seed collection and the most diverse forage collection in the world. The MFG database holds over 48,000 public accessions of 2500 mostly tempe...
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Keywords Grassland, Pasture, Environment, Agriculture, Global taonga
Explore this digital geospatial database of approximately 600,000 New Zealand river segments and related catchments.
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Keywords Freshwater, River, stream, geology
Explore New Zealand's coast through a collection of geospatial layers focused on our coastal environment and related hazards.
The Land Resource Information System (LRIS) Portal is an online geospatial data repository provided by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research that holds over 200 different land resource data layers for Aote...
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S-map is a digital soil map for Aotearoa – New Zealand. S-map’s goal is to provide precise and accurate soil information to support sustainable management of our soil resource. S-map data contains fun...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Soils, Land, New Zealand, Digital Soil Map, Maps
The New Zealand Land Resource Inventory (NZLRI) is a national spatial database of physical land resource information. It comprises an inventory of five physical factors (rock type, soil, slope, presen...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Land, Soils, Land Resources, New Zealand
The New Zealand Land Cover Database (LCDB) is a multi-temporal, thematic classification of New Zealand's land cover. It identifies 33 mainland land cover classes (35 classes once the offshore Chatham ...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Land Cover, Biodiversity, Vegetation, New Zealand
The National Soils Database (NSD) is part of the National Soils Data Repository which is a repository for over 8000 soil observations, including soil analytical results, across New Zealand. The Nation...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Soils, Land Resources, New Zealand
This database summarises incursion response and eradication programmes from around the world. The scope of the database is terrestrial arthropod pests and plant pathogens. Weeds, vertebrate pests, aqu...
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Hosted By
The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited
Keywords pests, plant pathogens, biosecurity, invaders, eradication
The Biological Control Agents introduced to New Zealand (BCANZ) online database contains complete information on the biological control agents that have been introduced to New Zealand to help manage w...
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Hosted By
The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited
Keywords Biological Control Agents, weeds, invertebrate pests, pests
A collection of digital geological maps in GIS formats comprising geological, geophysical and topographic layers. Some geological map products include other components such as printed maps, printable ...
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Hosted By
GNS Science
Keywords New Zealand, ANTARCTICA, GEOLOGIC MAPS, stratigraphy, structural geology, geological units, rock units, topography, Stewart Island
Petlab is New Zealand’s national rock, mineral and geoanalytical database. It is operated by GNS Science, with GNS Science, Auckland, Waikato, Massey, Victoria, Canterbury and Otago universities all c...
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Hosted By
GNS Science
Keywords New Zealand, ANTARCTICA, petrology, mineral, rock, geochronology, geochemistry
The archive contains scanned images of published and unpublished, geological maps for New Zealand, its offshore territories and Antarctica. The maps range from field sheets to draft compilations to co...
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Hosted By
GNS Science
S-map is a digital soil map for Aotearoa – New Zealand. S-map’s goal is to provide precise and accurate soil information to support sustainable management of our soil resource. S-map Online provides a...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Soils, Land, New Zealand, Digital Soil Map, Maps
Land Use Capability (LUC) 2021 is a specific subset of the NZLRI. The LUC rates the ability of each land region to sustain long-term agricultural production, based on an assessment of the NZLRI invent...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Land, New Zealand, Land Use Capability
S-map Soil Depth is part of the S-map digital soil map for Aotearoa – New Zealand. Soil depth is defined according to a traditional agronomic concept of soil depth. In a practical sense, it can be tho...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Land, Soils, New Zealand, Soil Depth
S-map Soil Drainage is part of the S-map digital soil map for Aotearoa – New Zealand. Soil drainage is a relatively simple classification of the soil profile that describes the likelihood of seasonal ...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Land, Soils, Soil Drainage, New Zealand
S-map Soil Texture is part of the S-map digital soil map for Aotearoa – New Zealand. The data comprises the dominant texture class of the upper 60 cm of the soil profile (Clayey, Loamy, Peaty, Sandy, ...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Land, Soils, Soil Texture, New Zealand
S-map Soil Classification (Soil Order) is part of the S-map digital soil map for Aotearoa – New Zealand. The layer is a "dissolved" representation of the New Zealand Soil Classification soil order pr...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Land, Soils, Soil Classification, New Zealand, Soil Order
The New Zealand Drought Monitor is a system for keeping track of drought conditions across New Zealand based on a standardised climate index.
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Keywords drought, climate, hazard, weather, rainfall
The National Forestry Herbarium contains plants significant to plantation and indigenous forestry in New Zealand, including a wide range of native and amenity species.
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Keywords trees, exotic species, indigenous species, forestry
Biota of New Zealand provides access to taxonomic and nomenclature data associated with Aotearoa – New Zealand’s biodiversity collections of fungi, land invertebrates and plants. Biota of New Zealand ...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Keywords Terrestrial plants, Land, Fungi, Micro organisms, Biodiversity, Land invertebrates, Plant pathogens, Plants
URQIS is a resource developed in 2012 that provides stormwater and urban stream quality data to the public by accessing a database of urban runoff quality data collected from all over New Zealand.
New Zealand Flood Pics (NZFP) is a photographic archive of flooding for Aotearoa New Zealand. Its purpose is to collate photographs from floods that can support evidence-based decision-making for indi...
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Keywords flooding, citizen-science, PHOTOGRAPHS, database
The maps and data linked from this page provide a modelled representation of New Zealand’s 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) extreme sea level flooding under current climatic sea conditions, plus...
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Keywords sea-level-rise, Climate Change, coastal, flooding, gis-image, Maps, scenarios
NIWA's public platform for exploring and downloading open science data, discovering and building apps, and engaging to solve important issues. You can analyze and combine Open Data sets using maps, as...
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Keywords GIS, Geospatial
The DATAMAN is a database of greenhouse gas emissions from manure management. The web app has features for viewing and downloading Field, Storage and Housing data.
Manure management represents a key u...
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Keywords Manure, Livestock, Agriculture, Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Greenhouse gases, Greenhouse gas
Fire Indices and weather forecasts for fire management, provided by NIWA on behalf of Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
Hosted By
NIWA, Fire and Emergency New Zealand
Keywords forecast
Weather reports and warnings for National Parks provided by NIWA on behalf of Department of Conservation.
Hosted By
NIWA, Department of Conservation
Keywords forecast, weather
Our Land and Water was one of New Zealand’s 11 National Science Challenges, aimed at addressing critical issues in primary production and the sustainable management of land and water resources. Funded...
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Keywords land use change, Environment, water quality, Climate Change, Environmental management
New Zealand’s Biological Heritage National Science Challenge (BioHeritage) – Ngā Koiora Tuku Iho – is one of the country’s 11 National Science Challenges. Established in 2014, BioHeritage tackles one ...
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Hosted By
Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
Keywords Ecosystems, Mātauranga Māori, Biodiversity, Biosecurity, Pest management, resilience, genomics, conservation, restoration, invasive species, communities